
Takashimaya Salon

 Takashimaya Salon

高島屋全店のタカシマヤカード《ゴールド》、タカシマヤプラチナデビットカードの会員様をはじめ、外商顧客を含む約30万人の方々に毎月お届けされる会報誌『Takashimaya Salon』の巻頭企画Book Loversを担当させていただきました。毎号異なるゲストの方々におすすめの一冊をご紹介いただくコラムで、選書をテーマにイラストを添えさせていただいております。本好きの私にはたまらない、素敵な本との出会いに満ちたお仕事です。

I was commissioned to create an illustration for Book Lovers, the cover of "Takashimaya Salon," a monthly newsletter that is sent to about 300,000 people, including Takashimaya Gold Card and Takashimaya Platinum Debit Card members and other outside customers of all Takashimaya stores. In each issue, a different guest introduces a book he or she recommends, and I illustrate the column on the theme of book selection. As a book lover myself, I cannot stress enough how much I love this job because it is full of wonderful encounters with books.

Takashimaya Salon 2023 January
Takashimaya Salon 2023 February
Takashimaya Salon 2023 March
Takashimaya Salon 2023 April
Takashimaya Salon 2023 May
Takashimaya Salon 2023 June
Takashimaya Salon 2023 July
Takashimaya Salon 2023 August
Takashimaya Salon 2023 September
Takashimaya Salon 2023 October
Takashimaya Salon 2023 November
Takashimaya Salon 2023 December